Saturday, February 15, 2020

ARTICLE ONE AND ARTICLE TWO Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ARTICLE ONE AND ARTICLE TWO - Assignment Example The intriguing fact in the article is how the author presents the information about panda and penguin abandoning the new born in an effort to sustain itself. This sure does indicate that nature mysterious in its own ways. The article has many scientific facts which normal people fail to encounter or got less chance to read. They are many facts which people are unheard of. The article also details the reason why these creature abandon their offspring which might not make sense to the social animal albeit humans. The article itself seems to have a sole purpose of providing information to people that what we might think sensible can be absurd for nature and vice versa. This subject is of interest because it explores the unique nature of animal and bird’s and indicates the survival is the key right of the fittest.In total, the article is rich in information and subject and is equally good in the theme as it is a glimpse of the mystery of nature. The article is all about cancer and how it can dangerous to sound and experience. This subject can be both interesting as well as repelling to people as nobody want to be acquainted with cancer at any point of their life time. The author is health and fitness expert and hence can be more relied upon on the subject of cancer as it is a health issue. From the article, we can understand how a distortive cell engineer itself and progress to the destroy the whole group of cells in less matter of time. Sometime the nature can be a killer as well as saviour. This article makes us think whether cancer is a play of God or ignorance of human being. The author with her writing makes us wonder that when all the cells do its job well, why a certain cell should go out of direction and attack healthy cells. They have been many scientific reasoning and research in case of cancer but the real cause of cancer still remains a mystery. The cell division and

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Aviation Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Aviation Business - Assignment Example Let us estimate the business cost for this charter company to run Cessna 172 twice a month as mentioned earlier is as follows: Total business cost includes fixed cost, running costs or operational costs and landing and overnight tie down costs. Cost of running the aircraft: Fuel required for running this charter flight is its main component: $ 1500 per one hour 2 Total flying hours in a month: For southern side: (2+3) x 2 = 10 hours For northern side : (2+2+2) x 2 = 12 hours Total flying hours = 10 + 12 = 22 hours Additional flying hours to be considered / month = 10 hours Total flying hours = 12 + 22 + 10 = 44 hours Therefore the total cost accounts to $66000 / month. The total cost per one year = $792000 (Fig 1) Lease costs for aircraft : Aircraft was purchased with 25 % residual cost of flight ($259,500) for 5 years: $64750 Lease cost for one year = $12950 Lease cost for one month = $ 1079 Fixed costs (This is the daily cost of running a business ie. Rent, ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Jagson Airlines. 2009. Charter services. Charter rules, terms and conditions. Rates : flying hours. employee wages: It includes the charges for the pilot : Chief pilot is the only one person employed here. His salary component (including the benefit of super annuation) is $60,000 (Fig 2). For additional assisting staff (including the benefit of super annuation) : $25,000 Costs incurred on equipment, insurance, Air operators certificate, test approvals, Pilots annual checks and renewals = $ 10,000. Lease for the office building : $60,000 (Fig 3) Landing and overnight tie down charges for the airfield per year : $24,000 (Fig 4) Detailed description of... The charter aircraft will fly from Groote Eylandt (NT) to southern side in one fortnight and will return to Groote Eylandt (NT) and again from the same place it flies to northern side. Therefore in a month, it has to travel once in southern direction i.e. from Groote Eylandt to: Each time, it has to carry two medical staff and 40 kg medical accessories. All the basic principles of aviation including weather preparedness have to be kept in mind while planning the route plan (Parma, 1999). The net profit calculated by the company is $ 705650 which has been added to all the costs of running aircraft and accordingly annual tender amount of $ 1689600 per year and $140800 per month has been finalized. For successful flying with out any legal complications and for ensuring security norms of the respective nation, Cessna aircraft has to follow the aviation rules and regulations very strictly (Bruckert and Roud, 2007). The federal aviation regulations have to be followed very strictly while carrying out the aviation. The congestion management of aircrafts is essential along with the implementation of emission standards of aircrafts according to the federal regulations3.